FLEP continues to empower her Benue participants with Fertilizer and goats

As FLEP continues to implement the Agricultural Empowerment and Capacity Improvement (AGECI) Program in Ichama community, Benue State, the participants have been equipped with various resources. This follows a comprehensive training session designed not only to equip them with agricultural skills but also to instill a mindset shift towards positive change and productivity.

The program, which has a total of 227 registered participants who attended the AGECI livestock, crop, climate and entrepreneurship training, is nearing its climax. Initially, 50 young participants below the age of 45 received 2 bags of cassava stems each. During the concluding resource distribution stage, 232 goats were shared among the remaining 156 participants. Additionally, 50 participants were further resourced with a bag of fertilizer each.

Through the AGECI project in all locations, FLEP envisions a holistic transformation in the lives of all participants, empowering them to drive growth, prosperity, and positive change in their communities. We are hopeful that at the end of the project cycle, participants will have a change in mindset, fostering personal growth and community development.