FLEP continues to empower her Benue participants with Fertilizer and goats

As FLEP continues to implement the Agricultural Empowerment and Capacity Improvement (AGECI) Program in Ichama community, Benue State, the participants have been equipped with various resources. This follows a comprehensive training session designed not only to equip them with agricultural skills but also to instill a mindset shift towards positive change and productivity. The program, which has a total of […]

The Transformative Power of Education for Sule Ayodeji

The Transformative Power of Education for Sule Ayodeji

Meet Sule Ayodeji, a participant in the OAK 2 Livestock & Entrepreneurship training program in Gedegede, Ikare, Ondo State. Little did he know that this experience would inspire him on a new found entrepreneurial journey. During the entrepreneurship class section, a particular concept caught his attention—The Lean Startup Approach. This is a business startup concept that teaches the need to […]

From Renting to Thriving: Funmilayo’s Journey of Hope and Empowerment.

From Renting to Thriving: Funmilayo’s Journey of Hope and Empowerment.

FLEP initially encountered Asaolu Funmilayo also known as Fashionista in August 2021 as part of ourTriple P (Profit, People & Planet) Entrepreneurship project, and her dedication and active participationquickly stood out. Although she had received training as a tailor, she lacked access to her own sewing machine, forcing her to rent equipment from other tailors in order to produce clothes […]

Assurance of A Good Farm Produce

Assurance of A Good Farm Produce

Many mothers in Benue communities are known to work and provide for the family, the work can be dangerous as a result of insecurities encountered on their way to farms and even on the farm – these women barely make enough to feed their family. Katherine is a mother of three children who lives in Adatsav village in Benue state […]

A Scaling Method to empowering widows in Tafawa Balewa

A Scaling Method to empowering widows in Tafawa Balewa

The goat rearing project is one of the ways FLEP’s Transforming Livelihood Project (TLP) is working to alleviate poverty and to diversify the livelihood of widows in Tafawa Balewa, Bauchi state. The project through the three-goats-one-woman approach is empowering widowed women. The primary objective of the goat rearing project is to improve the welfare of these women by generating income […]

The Shift in Poultry Farming

Poultry farming in Nigeria, is one of the biggest business opportunities. FLEP is exploring this lucrative opportunity in rural communities for young entrepreneurs to participate in a large and potentially sustainable market for chickens. Chimela Ule , a beneficiary of the Children’s Mission Africa (CMA) and an implementer of FLEP’s poultry intervention project shares his story on how he decided […]

Oil Of Joy In Place Of Mourning

If you had met her some months back, she would have thought herself as walking in the shoes of Naomi (Ruth 1:13-21). But God turned her story around through a small thoughtful gesture by FLEP Rifikatu Yakubu, not only lost her husband, she also lost two sons; victims of the insurgency in parts of northern Nigeria. These calamities left Riftkatu […]