Breaking Poverty Circle among young people in Topo

Breaking Poverty Circle among young people in Topo

Thrive Ahead Project(TAP), an initiative of The NAVIGATORS NIGERIA aspires to combat generational poverty through economic empowerment and mentorship of youths in Topo-Badagry, Lagos State. The Thrive Ahead Project aims to break poverty cycle among young people and their families in Topo Badagry by equipping the participants with skills, knowledge, and various resources they need to take charge of their […]

Covid-19 Humanitarian Project Phase 2- Mercy IDP Camp Zonkwa.

Concerned by the effects of coronavirus in rural Nigerian areas on people that struggle with extreme hunger and are exposed to vulnerable conditions than ever, Children’s Mission extended their support through FLEP to assist an identified number of people that needed urgent assistance. With the support of The Navigators Nigeria, we identified displaced people who lived in Mercy IDP Camp […]