Child Labour in Nigeria

Child Labour in Nigeria

Despite the fact that many African countries have taken strong action to combat child labour, child labour is on the increase in Africa. The 2016 Global Estimates of Child Labour indicate that one-fifth of all African children are involved in child labour, a proportion more than twice as high as in any other region. Nine per cent of African children […]

The Shift in Poultry Farming

Poultry farming in Nigeria, is one of the biggest business opportunities. FLEP is exploring this lucrative opportunity in rural communities for young entrepreneurs to participate in a large and potentially sustainable market for chickens. Chimela Ule , a beneficiary of the Children’s Mission Africa (CMA) and an implementer of FLEP’s poultry intervention project shares his story on how he decided […]

Unemployment still on the Rise

Unemployment still on the Rise

Nigeria’s unemployment numbers jumped by nearly 30 percent this year to 16 million, according to a November report by the National Bureau of Statistics; Another two million are expected to be unemployed by the end of the year, less than forty percent of Nigeria’s nearly 200 million people are fully employed. Many Nigerian youths hit the streets looking for a […]

The Global Equity Approach for Children

In the world today, we’re threatened with an undeniable truth: The future of disadvantaged and vulnerable children and therefore the future of their societies will be imperiled for no other reason than the country, the community, the gender or the circumstances into which they are born. Millions of children are still denied access to education simply because their parents are […]

Oil Of Joy In Place Of Mourning

If you had met her some months back, she would have thought herself as walking in the shoes of Naomi (Ruth 1:13-21). But God turned her story around through a small thoughtful gesture by FLEP Rifikatu Yakubu, not only lost her husband, she also lost two sons; victims of the insurgency in parts of northern Nigeria. These calamities left Riftkatu […]

The Developing Brain: An Early Window Of Opportunity For Learning

Long before a child enters the classroom, inequities can create a lasting imprint on the architecture of the brain. Recent research on brain development casts new light on the formative influence of early childhood experience. In the first few years of life, a child’s brain creates 700 to 1,000 new neural connections every second, a pace that later diminishes. These […]

Significant Role Of Rural Women In Agriculture

Significant Role Of Rural Women In Agriculture

Over the years in Nigeria rural women have established defined roles in agriculture; they are involved in agricultural production, process and utilization. They are affected by social-economic factors that hinder the advancement of agriculture and poverty alleviation; these factors include education, access to social infrastructures, and daily income.  Lack of specific policies that do not support and protect the rural […]